progress note

Progress Note


Patient seen and reviewed in person during bedside Stroke Team rounds.
Overnight issues, as applicable, reviewed.
Vital sign values in AM rounds reviewed.
Labs (recent) reviewed .
Medications reviewed - daily review.
Imaging (recent) reviewed.

Exam and Relevant findings/Ix:


Discussed in Stroke multidisciplinary rounds, 0930-0945; Then 0945-1010 AM with Medicine team colleagues for NVU Level 1 patients. Present were team members, including team lead, SW, OT, PT, SLP, MD (staff, fellow, residents as applicable). Discussed clinical status, discussed disposition planning.

-Medical care: DVTp, Diet, and Activity plan reviewed, Allied Health Team (members as applicable, SW, PT, OT, SLP, Dietician) implementing their assessment-based plan; please see their notes for additional details.

Detailed Impression and Plan



Patient Update

All discussions occurred using clear language and plain terms, opportunity was provided for the patient to ask questions, and their questions were answered, they were satisfied with the answers provided.

SDM Update

All discussions occurred using clear language and plain terms, opportunity was provided for the SDM to ask questions, and their questions were answered, they were satisfied with the answers provided.

Repatriation Plan



-Consult Internal medicine

-Consult neurology, if ongoing deficits concerning for stroke

-Please rule out co-present medical issues such as cardiac ischemia, sepsis, metabolic abnormalities

-Repeat Imaging - CT head in 24H and/or MRI brain to rule out infarct and/or assess for evolution of changes; proceed with stroke workup as applicable, including metabolic profile, 2D ECHO, Holter and/or Telemetry. Tests at the discretion of Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine/Neurology as applicable

-Medical issues:

-Call back Stroke service if any questions or concerns; stroke on-call