Stroke and Thrombosis

"The Clot Thickens"

Enhanced Integration of Stroke and Thrombosis Training

This site is dedicated to fostering close collaboration between the disciplines of Stroke and Thrombosis. Centers with expertise in Stroke and Vascular Medicine naturally care for patients with stroke and thrombotic complications. At times, there are overlapping diagnostic and treatment considerations. Other times, there is a unifying disorder or pathophysiology that naturally brings these disciplines together. In dedicated thrombosis fellowship programs we advocate for cross pollination and training by joining the stroke service for elective time. Similarly, trainees engaged in a stroke fellowship may benefit from enhanced learning and collaboration by spending some elective time on a thrombosis service. In many centers across the United States and other parts of the world there are existing Vascular Medicine programs and there is potential added value to bringing these individual programs and Stroke training together for maximal synergy and collaboration.

Herein, we provide a reference list for background reading in addition to a Podcast/audio episode on the topic of closer integration between Stroke and Thrombosis services, including how to leverage already existing expertise in Vascular Medicine. We hope that this introductory framework will kickstart the journey for closer collaboration between Stroke/Vascular Medicine/Thrombosis programs.

For full details please see - We hope you find this website and resources useful - STROKEANDTHROMBOSIS.ORG
The clot thickens-enhanced integration of stroke and thrombosis training. Carlin S, Geerts W, Khosravani H. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2021 Jul 7. doi: 10.1007/s11239-021-02502-7. PMID: 34232455