General EVT Considerations

General Considerations for EVT - For Low ASPECTS - use your own judgment (pending revision of guidelines)

"General Considerations for EVT" Flow Chart:

Overall, for all vessel occlusions amenable for EVT, a discussion with INR is recommended. "General Considerations for EVT" follows a colour coding: 

DAWN / DEFUSE 3 Criteria - to be used for > 6hr for EVT Consideration

RAPID Training (

Late EVT Window,  Greater than 6 hours (6-24Hrs)

DEFUSE3 criteria

DAWN criteria (core measured CBF<30)

Lastly a word of caution. ALWAYS ensure you look at NCCT to assess hypo-density and correlate this with CBF core recalling that you may have a sub-acute infarct with luxury perfusion (therefore CBF>30 i.e. not showing as core on threshold to CBF map). 

Graphic/table reference: Stroke, G. A., 2018. (n.d.). Use of Imaging to Select Patients for Late Window Endovascular Therapy. Am Heart Assoc.