NYGH In-Patient Code Stroke
NYGH In-Patient Code Stroke Protocol
Since April 3, 2018 we have gone live with the collaborative Inpatient Code Stroke protocol with North York General Hospital and Toronto Paramedic Services. This was developed as a collaborative effort between the two facilities and the Regional Stroke Program in order to improve the quality and safety of stroke transfers from NYGH - specific to in-patients at NYGH who meet very specific criteria and checklist (including NYGH MRP & neurology involvement) prior to protocol activation and transfer.
It is important to note that this protocol is not intended to increase our stroke volumes or number of patients being transferred from NYGH to our institution​. It is intended to provide structure to the process for the occasional inpatient who is already coming to us from NYGH.
This protocol will standardize the care and to ensure the correct processes are followed to ensure a safe and appropriate transfer. It also provides us an avenue to provide continued feedback to NYGH and QI oversight regarding such transfers.